发布者:系统管理员 发布时间:2013-03-01 浏览次数:120

About Us

As a leading one-stop recruitment solution provider in Asia, Career International established in 1996, has more than 1000 professional recruiters and branches in 35 key national cities. In the past year, we have successfully recommended more than 20000 permanent and dispatched talents for our clients, of whom 16000 are senior management, professional and technical employees.


Ø      2011- 2012大中华区最佳招聘服务机构《人力资本管理》杂志

Ø      2012福布斯最具潜力企业《福布斯》杂志

Ø      2011中国业务流程外包企业20强第八名鼎韬服务外包研究院、中国外包网

Ø      2011年度最佳招聘机构《China STAFF》杂志

Ø      2011年度亚太区最佳猎头服务机构Asia HR Summit

Ø      2010- 2011大中华区最佳招聘服务机构《人力资本管理》杂志

Ø      2010年度最佳招聘机构《China STAFF》杂志

Ø      2010中国最佳人力资源外包服务商《第一资源》 杂志

Intern �Human ResourceRecruitment Consulting


Ø      Conduct search to find suitable candidate and market information Support consultants in preparing candidate list by website search and cold callings

Ø      Making mapping list according to the job assignment

Ø      Conduct cold call and talk with potential candidate;

Ø      Build up and maintain database;

Ø      Make standard candidate profile

Ø      Participate in candidate interview and selection

Ø      Other responsibilities assigned by consultant


Ø      Bachelor or Master Degree, overseas education background is a plus

Ø      Excellent written and spoken English;

Ø      Excellent communication skills and willingness to learn

Ø      Organized, details-oriented, proactive and good work attitude

Ø      Open minded and strong teamwork spirit

Ø      Able to work under pressure with patience

Ø      Strong sourcing/search skills and presentation skills

Ø      Solid computer and internet skills


Ø      招聘名额: 2

Ø      试用期合格后转正(不提供短期实习机会)

Ø      2013年毕业大四或研三员工 (薪酬本科:60/天,硕士:80/天)

Ø      对人力资源/咨询行业有兴趣每周可提供4~5天的工作时间(工作日)

Ø      办公地点: 锦江区东大街喜年广场

Please send CV to


地址: 中国·四川·成都·金牛区土桥金周路999号永利总站线路检测第三教学楼E座 | 邮编:610039

联系电话:028-87387139  书记信箱  经理信箱

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